Total Energy Pre-Processed Data Check

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This notebook provides a preliminary look at the preprocessed data for the U.S. total energy dataset from the EIA bulk file download website. A simple join operation operation and graphics are created to ensure the data is usable and makes sense, so that further analyses can be performed. In this check, we look at the net generation categories which are used for time series analysis in a separate notebook.

Initial Setup

Create Function for Plotting Outputs in a Batch

Process Data

The 'All Sectors' groups appear to have data recorded for the entire time series history while there seems to be missing data for some of the subsectors. Overall, the selected data for this preliminary evaluation looks like it is well labeled and useful. A noticeable decline in the 'All Sectors' coal consumption is observered starting around 2007. This declining trend appears to be consistent with our expectations of the industry trend as well as the associated increase in natural gas consumption.